ISSIA 23 : 9th International Summer School on Industrial Agents


From the 26th to the 30th on June 23 at Valenciennes (France), the International Summer School on Industrial Agents brings together leading researchers and Ph.D. students in the field of agent technology.

As a Ph.D. student, you will have the opportunity to participate in various workshops, get to know an international community sharing common interests, and build valuable relationships in your research field.

The agenda is made to allow all participants to have many opportunities to engage in conversations besides the main scientific program, to, by example, form new scientific partnerships and relationships, and to strengthen the network of the industrial agent community.

The Summer School 2023 comprises :

  • Distinguished speakers from the scientific community,
  • Local keynotes that highlight the application of agents in industry,
  • A coordinated program of a lab tour and practical workshops,
  • A lot of time for informal exchange between lecturers and participants and joint dinners.

General Objective of the Summer School

The summer school aims to increase participants' knowledge in the field of multi-agent systems (MAS) applied to industrial environments, especially in industrial cyber-physical systems (production systems, smart grids, etc.).

The main objectives of the courses can be summarized in 3 points :

  • Introduce MAS principles as a suitable paradigm to develop industrial distributed collaborative systems.
  • Provide practical competences in developing MAS applications for industrial automation applications.
  • Deployment of agent-based solutions for industrial environments.



The last version of the agenda is on the agenda tab. Click to see the keynotes, organization of the summer school... Find details about the speakers on this link !


Organizational comitee

  • Emmanuel Adam, chair of ISSIA'23
  • Xavier Delcortes, social events 
  • Katia Florek, finance
  • Bénédicte Foucrier, communication
  • Marlène Geneviève, administration
  • Annick Many, AIP-Primeca manager


For any question, feel free to contact Emmanuel Adam :

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